by 3d-io | 2009-03-20 | Featured Articles, News
Following the requests from many Unwrella users and listening to their questions, the professional 3d-io Artists Igor Posavec and Antoan Simic are proud to announce the first Free Training Unwrapping lessons for freating optimal UV Maps for the Texture Baking and...
by 3d-io | 2009-03-14 | Featured Articles, News
3d-io and 3DVF announce a DominanceWarIV Mini Challenges and invite all 3D Artists to take a part by the biggest online contest to prove which Artwork is dominating the scene! For this purpose, 3d-io and 3DVF have prepared prises for the winners in value of €...
by 3d-io | 2009-02-20 | Featured Articles, News
Unwrella, the automatic and optimal unwrapping plug-in for Autodesk™ 3D Studio Max is now available in Version 2.0, introducing the keenly requested support for manual seam placements. Igor Posavec, CGI Director of 3d-io, presents in the following 10 minutes...
by 3d-io | 2009-02-12 | Featured Articles, News
Unwrella, the automatic and optimal unwrapping plug-in for Autodesk™ 3D Studio Max is now available in Version 2.0, introducing the keenly requested support for manual seam placements. Key features of this new version: –...
by 3d-io | 2008-11-28 | Featured Articles, News
Unwrella v1.04 is both maintenance and feature release. Fixes in this version: * Licensing now working smoothly for the users with some of the non-english Windows regional settings New features: * New "Quads" unwrapping mode, in which UV chart borders are...